Customer Testimonials

”The feedback I offer to the collaboration with the Best Smart Consulting team can be defined by just one word: ‚FUTURE’.
Starting with the quality of the professional courses they offer, the collaboration and the people from the Best Smart Consulting and with the help of the content of the courses and consultancy they offered we managed to stimulate our company's management team to visualize the future of the wood industry based on technology, automation, digitalization.
The challenges are not so far away, they have been layed outfront. The future will show us how we managed to adapt, to embrace the change generated by these challenges and to bring success to our activity.

Gabriela ManolescuManager RU J.F.Furnir

"I recommend the courses given by Best Smart Consulting. From the first meeting, they pleasantly surprised me with the professionalism and the way they customized the courses, exactly to our needs. Also, the trainer who gave the courses stood out through an interactive approach and a complex and useful topic.

Carmen AldulescuInspector de specialitateCompartimentul Programe și Proiecte ComunitarePrimăria Municipiului Motru

"We had the opportunity to meet the Best Smart team and to carry out several projects for the digital transformation of the factories. In the transition to Industry4.0, people were the most important resource and the Industrial Academy understands the true potential of industry specialists and manages to highlight it through the most current and efficient solutions for continuous professional training. I especially appreciate Best Smart experts for being people with relevant experience in their field, which helps them to have a practical approach to the topics discussed. I confidently recommend the training services supported by the Industrial Academy.

Laurențiu NaeDirector Dezvoltare Digital Twin

Specialized Courses for future Professionals!